Workshop Title: Using Technology for Increasing Students’ Multiple Literacies and Intercultural Competence
(Thursday January 21st, 9 am to Noon)
Speakers: Mohamed Ansary (University of Arizona) and Sonia Shiri (University of Arizona)
The ever-increasing number of tools and free multimedia software can be confusing and even daunting for teachers. Choosing an appropriate technology-based tool to use in the classroom should not be random. Every tool that the teacher uses should serve a specific, clear goal. This hands-on workshop explores free tools that teachers can use to support different types of learning. The workshop will explore a variety of tools that K-16 teachers can use to integrate culture into the classroom. Some other tools will serve how to increase students’ multiple literacies to support their intercultural competence. These strategies address the 21st century skills and the ACTFL’s World-readiness standards such as communication, collaboration and culture.
Curriculum and Assessment Workshop
In-Person Sessions:
October 28 - November 1, 2015
April 6 - April 10, 2016
Webinar Sessions:
December 7, 2015
February 8, 2016
March 7, 2016
Concordia Language Villages is continuing its collaboration with the Qatar Foundation International for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Two on-site workshops will be offered again at the Language Villages in Bemidji, Minnesota on October 28 – November 1, 2015, and April 6 – 10, 2016. The focus of this year’s program is on curriculum development and assessment. Participants will design curricula and assessments for their Arabic language programs based on ACTFL’s World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and the principles of Understanding by Design created by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe.
Beginning with the end in mind, participants will create a curriculum framework for their Arabic language program, identifying outcomes for novice, intermediate, and advanced language learners. Next they will select themes and essential questions to guide the creation of level-appropriate formative and summative performance assessments in the three modes of communication: interpretive, presentational and interpersonal. Finally, the teachers will develop scoring guides and rubrics to evaluate student performance. At the second workshop, participants are asked to bring samples of student work to share in order to evaluate the effectiveness of both the unit design and rubrics/scoring guides.
Flagship Teacher Training Workshop
from May 26th to June 5th, 2015.
Participants in this workshop explore a variety of strategies and technology-based tools that are designed to build students' communication skills and to encourage personal responsibility for learning within the language classroom. These strategies are closely tied to the application of 21st Century Skills with a focus on Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity. Participants also explore ways to become globally connected educators and support their students gain intercultural competence.
Technology for Building Multiple Literacies & Intercultural Communicative Competence
from May 10 to 14, 2016
The ever-increasing number of tools and free multimedia software can be confusing and even daunting for teachers. Choosing an appropriate technology-based tool to use in the classroom should not be random. Every tool that the teacher uses should serve a specific, clear goal.This hands-on workshop explores free tools that teachers can use to support different types of learning.
The workshop will explore a variety of tools that K-16 teachers can use to integrate culture into the classroom. Some other tools will serve how to increase students’ multiple literacies to support their intercultural competence.These strategies address the 21st century skills and the ACTFL’s World-readiness standards such as communication, collaboration and culture.
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